Tips For A Perfect Summer Garden

What is the perfect Summer garden? 

Gardens are areas full of creativity and innovation, so there will never be one correct answer. All gardens are different and have their beauty.

And as they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

But if you’re looking for a great way to spend Summer, why not try planting a Summer garden. Not only will your plants get plenty of sun and water, but they will also flourish. You will also enjoy this spectacular view from your garden on those warm Summer evenings.

Here are some tips for perfect gardening in Summer.

beautiful summer gardens with pink, white and yellow flowers
Summer Gardens are magical. Credit:

#1 – Plan And Work Throughout The Year

No one wants to be working in the cold. But by planning your garden during the cold Winter and early Spring, you can bring the best out of your garden.

Take some time to think about actual planting decisions. Think about how the colors will complement each other. Arguably, the outcome of your Summer garden will be determined by the decisions made in the planning stage.

Plant location isn’t just determined by what looks good. Lots of other variables should be considered. For example, the plant’s ideal conditions must be taken into account. If a specific plant’s flowers would suit a particular spot but have poor soil or no sunlight, you may need a rethink.

If the soil does need to be improved, now is the time to get that compost out to help bring the earth back to life.

If there is a shady area where a plant wouldn’t flourish, maybe it’s time to get those hedge trimmers out early to create more light.

By making these decisions in the planning stage, you give yourself ample time to create your masterpiece.

garden plants in shady area with statue in the middle
Choose plants suited for shady areas. Credit: gardeningknowhow

#2 – Know What Plants Struggle In Summertime

Sunshine is essential for plants in other seasons when it is sparse. However, you may think that lots of sunlight will mean better growth in the Summer. But that is necessarily true.

If the light is intense, which it is in Summer, then those plants are susceptible to damage. But, again, this is dependent on the species. By getting too much intense light, the plants will use any water reserves to cool themselves down. If unwatered, it can wilt and die quicker than you think.

Learn what plants need extra watering and shade during this time of year. Consider using drought-resistant plants in some areas and shade for delicate plants. You can even try limiting the overhead sun exposure.

sunflower during sunset
Some plants love the sun but not all. Photo by Pixabay on

#3 – Structure – Make The Summer Garden Pretty For Passers-By

While leaving plants in natural conditions is tempting, consider organizing them to make the garden as pretty as possible. Of course, aesthetically pleasing gardens give your guests a “Wow” factor. But a beautiful Summer garden can make you more relaxed and want to spend more time outside.

Add ornaments like statues, gnomes, or even a bird feeder/table for those who want to get extravagant. Bird feeders will bring more wildlife to your garden, giving it a new dimension and also help keep any pest problems at bay.

If you’re fond of creating wreaths and other holiday decorations, consider adding them in late Summer with decorative flowers and foliage.

A garden should reflect your personality, so let your creativity and judgment guide you.

lawn down the middle with bushes either side
Beautiful gardens need preparation. Credit House Beautiful

#4 – Watering In Summertime

Those who skimp on monitoring moisture levels during Summer will regret it. Without water, you will have cherry-blasted leaves from rapid wilting and sun-scorched plants.

Plants should be watered daily or at least three times per week. They can decline quicker than you think if not kept moist.

person in brown shorts watering the plants
Keep your garden moist in the summer. Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Don’t go overboard with the water as little and often is the key to remember here. Plants prefer consistency rather than being drowned in water.

#5 – Keep An Eye On The Weeds

After all your planning and preparation for a beautiful Summer garden, weeds can still ruin the party. Don’t let those stubborn weeds ruin all your hard work. 

Unfortunately, weeds enjoy the same conditions as most of your perennials. Moist, fertile soils and lots of sunshine are great for weeds.

But there are several ways to keep them at bay. The most effective is physically removing the weeds themselves. This method is effective but is labor-intensive and will be hard to keep up with. 

Mulching is an excellent way of limiting weeds. Mulch can be anything from dead organic matter to rocks, gravel, and rubber. Mulch is a layer of material applied to the soil’s surface.

By mulching your soil with bark or gravel, you limit the sunlight on the ground beneath and inhibit weeds’ growth.

Another effective way of tackling weeds is to use a herbicide that you can pick up from any good nursery or gardening center. Apply to the affected areas and leave well alone for 24-48 hours.

#6 – Fertilise Your Lawn

A beautiful garden lawn takes a lot of effort. You must use fertilizer if you want that lush, green lawn that brings a garden together.

As the lawn is getting used the most during the Summer months, it is essential to maintain it well. In addition, we have seen that the high temperatures and humid climate mean your garden plants need extra care. This extra level of attention also applies to your lawn.

By fertilizing during the Summer, you can ensure that your lawn stays impeccable for your guests. Take note that you should not fertilize in the Summer heat. Fertilizing in the Summe heat can cause damage to your lawn.

Choose a cooler time in the Summer or perhaps when there is rain to apply the fertilizer. Your lawn will thank you for it and pay you back with strong, resilient grass, ready for anything.

#7 – Deadheading

If you don’t know the reason to deadhead, you may think it is only for looks or just getting rid of those dead leaves that are eyesores.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Deadheading extends the plant’s life and ensures its blooms continue well into late Summertime.

When a plant has leaves or flower heads that are damaged or are dying, it goes to seed. This means that the plant thinks it’s dying and subsequently uses a tremendous amount of energy to convert its remains to seeds that will spread.

It takes a tremendous amount of effort and energy from the plant. But removing the dead/damaged areas means the plant does not need to go to seed. Instead, it concentrates its entire energy on producing beautiful blooms that you can enjoy for longer.

deadheading roseflower pink with shears
Deadheading is essential.

Don’t underestimate the power of deadheading.

Benefits Of Taking Care Of A Summer Garden

There are several benefits of having a beautiful Summer garden. Not just for you but those around you too.

Improving Your Mood And Reduces Stress

You will undoubtedly spend much more time outside in a beautiful Summer garden. It lowers blood pressure and improves your mood and wellbeing. Just 30 minutes a day in the garden can be transformative for your health.

Growing Your Food Is Healthier

We have several articles about growing vegetables. Homegrown veggies are much healthier and tastier for you. With so many people missing out on their daily requirements, a vegetable plot can satisfy your body’s requirements at a low cost.

Social Impact

There is something about a beautiful Summer garden that attracts everyone to it. More people want to spend outside in beautiful surroundings and the warm weather.

The hard work you put into the garden will be paid back multiple times when friends and family are over complement your work.

Final Thoughts On A Perfect Summer Garden

Summer gardens allow you to be creative and innovative. They can provide areas of natural beauty, sometimes in the least likely of places.

While a beautiful Summer garden will take preparation, the benefits of having one are huge and not underestimated.

So get that trowel out and start preparing for this Summer.

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